지하수펌프(15m) Electric Pump / Purge Pump / Plastic Pump Typhoon® Plastic Pump 1. 토양시료채취기(Edelman)-분리형 Bi-partite augers 토양시료채취기(Edelman)-분리형 단채널 수동탐사 장비 Syscal Kid Switch Resistivity sounding and profiling sysyem Syscal Kid Switch 2.토양시료채취기(Edelman)-일체형 Edelman augers 토양시료채취기(Edelman)-일체형 단채널 수동탐사 장비 Syscal Junior Switch All-in-one multinode resistivity imaging system Syscal Junior Switch 토양수분센서 soil moisture sensor EC5 시추공탐사용 데이터로거 Data Loggers SCOUT/OPAL/MATRIX 3. 토양시료채취기(Stony) Stony auger Stony 수동/자동 전기탐사장비 Syscal Pro Switch Resistivity sounding and imaging system Syscal Pro Switch